Health and Beauty

How to sleep with health benefits

When we sleep, our body produces important hormones that positively affect our health and development. Healthy sleep allows us to think clearly, react quickly, and remember well. Insufficient sleep leads to irritability and has a negative impact on our relationships with people. Unhealthy sleep increases the risks of high blood pressure, heart disease, and other diseases.

The quality of sleep affects how fat cells respond to the hormone insulin. When we don’t get enough sleep, there is a tendency toward obesity. It is necessary to get about 8 hours of sleep every night. But this is individual. For some people, like me, 6 hours of sleep a night is enough. However, I prefer to take a little nap during the day, but no more than half an hour. Consistency is important for a good night’s sleep, which means learning to fall asleep and wake up at the same time every day.

To get a good night’s sleep, you need to furnish your sleeping room properly.

  • Remove unnecessary items from the bed.
  • The mattress should be comfortable and support the spine well.
  • Pillows should support the cervical vertebrae in a natural position during sleep so that the upper back and neck muscles and the entire spine can relax and rest.
  • The bedding should be made of cotton and should be changed every week.
  • Pajamas should be loose and pleasant material for you. It is advisable to change them twice a week as we sweat in our sleep.
  • Close the windows with thick curtains or blinds so the light does not penetrate into the room while you sleep.
  • Close windows and doors so there is no noise.
  • Air the room before you go to sleep. The room during sleep should be cool: it is advisable to keep the temperature between 15-20 degrees.
  • Place the cell phone, computer, and tablet away from the bed.

Electronic gadgets are bad for the quality of sleep. They emit a blue light that makes our brain think it’s still daytime. Therefore, you should not use gadgets an hour before bedtime. Put them on silent mode, and put them as far away from the bed as possible. What you should not do before going to bed? Don’t drink tea and coffee before going to bed, because they contain caffeine, which stimulates the nervous system and heart, and this means that it will be difficult for you to relax and fall asleep. Try to limit eating 2-3 hours before bedtime. If you are hungry before going to bed, it is better to drink a glass of kefir, or have a snack of fruit. Do not exercise three hours before going to bed. During physical activity, we produce a hormone that stimulates our brain. When the brain is overstimulated, it is hard for us to fall asleep. It is better to exercise in the morning or in the afternoon.

You should sleep on your back or on your side. It is in these positions that all our muscles relax. If you sleep on your stomach or in the fetal position, then you may have back pain by morning. Almost all of us have ever experienced sleepless nights. Most of the time, this is quite normal, and sleep usually recovers.

However, if sleep disturbances become frequent, you should be checked for more serious disorders, which are usually treated with medication and psychotherapy. We face the various challenges of modern life with its responsibilities, worries and anxieties. It is important to always find time to get plenty of rest and sleep. After all, even God Himself chose to rest on the seventh day of creation.

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