
A healthy lifestyle (HLS) is a way of life aimed at the prevention of disease and the promotion of health. No matter how perfect medicine is, it cannot cure everyone of all diseases. A man is the creator of his own health, which must be fought for.

As defined by the World Health Organization (WHO), “health is a state of physical, spiritual, and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease or physical defect. It is known that our health is 10% determined by our genes, 20% by the environment in which we live, another 10% by the level of medical care, and the remaining 60% by a healthy lifestyle.

Healthy lifestyle includes the following main elements: a rational regime of work and rest, good nutrition, optimal physical activity, hardening, personal hygiene, eradication of bad habits and stress.

Rational schedule of work and rest – a necessary element of a healthy lifestyle. The daily routine must be built with regard to age, the nature of work and health. Rational alternation of physical labor and mental work – the key to good health and high performance. It is also important to alternate work activity and rest. An essential component of rest during the day is sleep. Very important for health and performance is to develop the right rhythm of sleep. You should also be able to rest fully during sleep. An adult’s sleep should last at least 7-8 hours. What can ensure a good night’s sleep?

Before going to sleep, fluff the pillows well. It is best to use a small rectangular pillow or a bolster under the neck.
Remove all flowers and sources of strong odors from the room.
Do not eat at night and refrain from drinking alcoholic beverages before going to bed.
To get a good sleep, you must go to bed before midnight (lack of sleep leads to nervous system fatigue, exhaustion and weakening of the body).
Your bed should have a hard and flat surface.
It is not recommended to sleep in front of the TV or in a room with a working computer.
It is better to sleep by turning from one side to the other, so that the internal organs rest on the right and left sides.
The air in the room should be clean, for this it is good to get used to sleeping with an open window or window pane (at a temperature of 17-180C).
Eating a healthy diet is extremely important for your health. Nutrition should be adequate, that is, contain enough carbohydrates (50-75%) due to cereals, vegetables, pasta, a sufficient amount of protein (10-15%), both vegetable and animal origin, fats (15-30%) as the same plant and animal origin.

Exercise is the most important condition for a healthy lifestyle and maintaining a normal weight. In today’s world, people tend to move little. Individuals with sufficient physical activity are less likely to suffer from chronic diseases. Conversely, individuals who lead sedentary lifestyles are prone to obesity and the acquisition of many chronic diseases. It is helpful to walk up and down stairs without using an elevator. According to doctors, each step gives a person 4 seconds of life, 70 steps burn 28 calories.

Hardening is part of a healthy lifestyle. Hardening is increasing the body’s resistance to the adverse environmental factors. The hardening must be constant and consistent, and should be practiced every day.
Of all the types of hardening, the easiest is the hardening with air baths. Air baths should be taken waist-naked in combination with gymnastics, running or other physical exercises.

Personal hygiene is the hygiene of the regime of personal life and everyday life, work and rest of the person, an element of a healthy lifestyle. It includes a rational daily routine, body care, hygiene of clothing and footwear.Observance of the rules of personal hygiene promotes the preservation of health and ability to work, and therefore an active long life.

Giving up bad habits (smoking, alcohol, drugs).
When smoking, colds and coughs more often lead to complications. The smoker does not inhale all the harmful substances in tobacco smoke – about half goes to those who are close to him. In families with smokers, children get respiratory illnesses more often than in non-smoking families. Continuous and long-term smoking leads to premature aging.

Limit your alcohol consumption. Alcoholism has a destructive effect on all human systems and organs. Mental changes that occur with occasional alcohol intake (agitation, depression, etc.) result in the frequency of suicides committed while intoxicated.

Stress prevention, positive emotional attitude – learn to relax by imagining some pleasant scenery. Thirty minutes a day is enough to increase the body’s resistance to various infections. If you learn to relax, you can activate your immune system.